[GRAPHIC OMITTED]

                                                    Richard M. Ubinger
                                                    Phone: 412-257-7606
                                                    Fax:  412-257-7640

Via Federal Express and EDGAR

July 29, 2008

Mr. Terence O'Brien
Accounting Branch Chief
United States Securities and Exchange Commission
Division of Corporation Finance
100 F Street, N.E., MS 7010
Washington, D.C.  20549-7010

         Re:      Universal Stainless & Alloy Products, Inc.

                  Form 10-K for the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2007
                  Filed March 7, 2008
                  Schedule 14A Filed on April 21, 2008
                  Form 10-Q for the Fiscal Quarter Ended March 31, 2008
                  File Number 0-25032

Dear Mr. O'Brien:

     This  letter  sets  forth the  responses  of  Universal  Stainless  & Alloy
Products,  Inc. (the  "Company") to the comments of the Staff of the Division of
Corporation  Finance of the Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") dated
July 23, 2008, with respect to the above referenced  filings by the Company.  In
connection with our responses below, the Company acknowledges that:

o    The Company is responsible  for the adequacy and accuracy of the disclosure
     in the above-referenced filings;

o    Staff  comments or changes to disclosure  in response to staff  comments do
     not  foreclose  the  Commission  from taking any action with respect to the
     above-referenced filing; and

o    The Company may not assert  staff  comments as a defense in any  proceeding
     initiated by the Commission or any person under the federal securities laws
     of the United States.

Form 10-Q for the Fiscal Quarter Ended March 31, 2008
- -----------------------------------------------------

Note 6 - Commitments and Contingencies, page 7
- ----------------------------------------------

  600 Mayer Street, Bridgeville, PA 15017 phone 412.257.7600 fax 412.257.7640
                           web www.univstainless.com


We note your response to comment 17 in our letter dated June 30, 2008, including
the draft disclosure you intend to include in future filings.  Specifically,  we
note the draft disclosure provides a conclusion that it is remote the outcome of
your pending  lawsuits and claims will have a material  impact to your financial
condition  or  liquidity.  However,  your draft  disclosure  does not  provide a
conclusion  as to whether your pending  lawsuits and claims will have a material
impact on your results of  operations.  In future  filings,  please  revise your
draft  disclosure to also address the materiality of pending lawsuits and claims
to your results of operations.  Also, as previously requested, if you believe it
is probable and/or reasonably possible that the pending lawsuits and claims will
materially  impact your  results of  operations,  please  consider  the need for
disclosure  of your pending  lawsuits and claims in accordance  with  paragraphs
9-10 of SFAS 5 and SAB Topic  5:Y.  Please  provide us with the  disclosure  you
intend to include in future filings.


     In  accordance  with the Staff's  comment,  in future  annual and quarterly
filings,  the Company also will address the materiality of pending  lawsuits and
claims to its results of operations.

     Based on information currently available, the Company does not believe that
there are any  lawsuits or claims that are  probable or  reasonably  possible of
having a material impact to its results of operations. In future filings, if the
Company believes that any particular  lawsuit or claim is probably or reasonably
possible of having a material  impact to our results of operations,  the Company
will make appropriate  disclosure of those lawsuits or claims in accordance with
paragraphs 9 and10 of SFAS 5 and SAB Topic 5:Y.

     Below is a draft of the disclosure that the Company  accordingly intends to
include in future filings,  based upon  information  currently  available to the

          Note 6 - Commitments and Contingencies
          From time to time,  various  lawsuits  and claims  have been or may be
          asserted  against the Company relating to the conduct of our business,
          including  routine  litigation  relating to commercial  and employment
          matters.  The  ultimate  cost and outcome of any  litigation  or claim
          cannot be predicted  with  certainty.  Management  believes,  based on
          information presently available, that the likelihood that the ultimate
          outcome of any such pending matter will have a material adverse effect
          on its financial  condition,  or liquidity or a material impact to our
          results of  operations  is remote,  although the  resolution of one or
          more of  these  matters  may have a  material  adverse  effect  on its
          results of operations for the period in which the resolution occurs.


The  Company  believes it has  responded  fully to your  comments.  On behalf of
Universal  Stainless & Alloy Products,  Inc., I thank you for your consideration

of our response. Should the Staff have further questions or comments or need any
further information or clarification, please call me at (412) 257-7606.


/s/ Richard M. Ubinger

Richard M. Ubinger
Vice President of Finance,
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer